🍰Examples of Cakes

All things that hold value and require governance and operations can be thought of as a Cake.

Our aim to make it easier for DAO founders to create DAOs and for contributors to discover, join and contribute in a clear and consistent way across multiple DAOs.

We're not limited to DAOs. Projects in the phyical world could be created and managed in Accord. The following examples illustrate the flexibility of the Accord model:

Hackathon team: You're a team going for that big $$$k prize 🏆

You've never worked together. On winning, would you split equally? Sounds 'fair', but what if someone slacks off half way through? Committing your contributions to Accord and voting ensures everyone receives their due share.

Service DAO: A pool of talent rewarded for their time

You can't deliver that project on your own, a group of you get together to deliver on the requirements. The client pays for the finished product but who did the majority of the work? Accord will tell you how to divide the proceeds.

NFT Project: Incentivise talent and supporters

You've a vision of the finished project but you need great designers, marketers, engineers & more... Accord helps you provide the incentives for the core team and even project supporters as you begin to market in communities and reward them fairly.

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