Why DAOs?

DAOs are the Future of Work

At Accord we're both motivated and excited by our beliefs:

  • DAOs will one day take over traditional companies and organisations.

  • All knowledge workers entering the workforce today will one day work for a DAO at some point in their life.

Why would DAOs take over the world?

There's someway to go. Yet, DAOs are already technically superior to traditional companies for many reasons. Some we've covered in 'What is a DAO'. The most compelling reason in our opinion:

The DAO contributors as individuals themselves are stake holders in the success of the projects. By ownership of tokens (similar to voting shares in traditional companies) the contributors are collectively rewarded by the success of their efforts. This new innovative way of operating an organisation is setting a new standard in how organisations of all types may operate now and, in the future, from charities to governments.

You may argue that is possible in LLCs / Companies in general. However, the 'workers' in the company (other than the immediate founders) are not normally shareholders.

  • DAOs are border-less.

  • DAO are highly efficient through automated governance and self organising behavior allowing contributors to scale to thousands of contributors without the expense of HR.

  • DAO contributors typically work for multiple DAOs meaning they transport knowledge and skills.

  • DAOs satisfy the desire to work remotely.

  • DAO contributors are independent and intrinsically motivated.

In short, DAOs are the future-of-work.

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